Alan's Devotionals

A Vibrant, Fruitful, Prospering Year

PSALM 1:1-3

PSALM 1:1-3 NKJ 
1 Blessed is the man 
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, 
Nor stands in the path of sinners, 
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, 
And in His law he meditates day and night. 
3 He shall be like a tree 
Planted by the rivers of water, 
That brings forth its fruit in its season, 
Whose leaf also shall not wither; 
And whatever he does shall prosper. 

Happy New Year! And congrats to you for getting the year off to a great start by doing your Bible 365 plan and your devotionals. 

If I asked you how you want this year to look, you could take verse three and start there.  Healthy and flourishing like a tree planted by rivers of water. When other trees are dry and parched, the trees planted by rivers are doing well. Their leaves are not withered because they are drawing on their source of life.  These trees are fruit producers, and they are prospering. 

All of this sounds great. You may be thinking, yep, that's exactly what I want. Healthy, vibrant, fruitful, and prospering. The great news is that this is not a fantasy. Not an unattainable outcome for the elite. This fruitfulness and health is available for those who meet the conditions spelled out in verses one and two.   

Blessed is the person who receives the right input and does not walk in the wrong way. Verse 

 one gives us counsel and ways to avoid if we want to be healthy, vibrant fruit producing, and prospering.   

Do not walk in the counsel, or wisdom, of those who are ungodly. Those to whom God does not factor in their lives, and they do not honor Him.   

Do not stand with those who are deliberately doing what is wrong. They are walking contrary to the light of God's words and ways.   

Don't sit with those scornful of God and the ways of His Kingdom.   

But here comes the shift, the ones who are healthy, vibrant, fruitful, and prospering are those who really love God's word. Not only do they read God's word, they think about it and how to put it into practice in their lives. God's word is considered the primary source of their wisdom and input. Then the benefits of verse three become evident in their lives.   


This is not the impossible dream. To become more fruitful in 2022 is entirely doable. We must accept by faith God's way of doing things. If the commitment to God's word seems extreme, then consider what you are currently experiencing and ask yourself some questions. 

What do I have to lose by committing to God and His word in a greater way? Would walking closer to God make a difference in my life, my family, my work, my relationships? Am I content with the way things are now? 

If you desire a change this year, make this Psalm 1:1-3 the first place you start. Do what these verses instruct and evaluate at the end of the year. But here is a fair warning, once you get hooked on God's word, things are going to change. For the better. So, make a good fruitful, healthy, vibrant, and prosperous year in 2022! 


Thank You, Father, for another year. As I commit to You and Your word, guide my ways and show me how I can walk in more grace and Christlikeness. With You and Your wisdom working in my life, this will be a better year! 

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