Alan's Devotionals



10 If you faint in the day of adversity, 
Your strength is small. 


This is not a topic we like to hear about. Adversity. But the fact is that as long as we are on this earth, we will face adversity in one form or another.   

Adversity is difficulties, facing challenges and trouble. There will come a day when adversity is a thing of the past. But that would be heaven, and we still have a great deal of work to do.   

So, what do we do when facing adversity? How are we to respond? 

The one thing we do not want to do is faint. The word faint here does not mean fall out on the floor like a wedding party best man who locked his knees. The Hebrew word faint means to become slack, to cease and desist, to become discouraged, weak and feeble, to let go, to abandon. None of these words indicate that something good is going to come from fainting.   

So, if we face adversity and give up, let down and abandon moving forward, adversity could win. Thank God for His mercy which has rescued us when we have fainted.   

But our objective is not to live to be rescued. Rather we want to face adversity and move forward, hold on, stay encouraged and overcome.   

The answer is more strength. And that is actually good news. We can all gain spiritual strength. But we will have to gain strength God's way.   

Reading and acting on God's word. Praying and staying connected to the Lord. Acting in faith despite feelings are ways we can grow in strength.   

And stop identifying with being a weak person. We are new creations. We are the children of a strong Father, and He has empowered us with His strong Holy Spirit.   

We don't faint in the day of adversity. We can do all things through Christ who makes us strong! 


Thank You, Lord. You are strong, and You enable me to be stronger than the adversity I face. By your grace and power, I will not faint.

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