Alan's Devotionals

BUT WE . . .

PSALM 20:7-8

PSALM 20:7-8 NKJV 
7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; 
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 
8 They have bowed down and fallen; 
But we have risen and stand upright. 


I realize that our New Testament reading for today is Revelation chapter six. I hope you read that chapter. I did, and my takeaway was that I am glad I will not be around when those seals get broken. 

I hold to Romans 5:9, that we have been justified through the blood of Christ and will be saved from the wrath of God through Him. We will not be the ones asking the mountains to fall on us.   

We are the ones who trust in the Lord. Our passage for today makes a distinction between those who trust in the things they can see and feel and those who live by faith in God.   

Chariots and horses were the most effective weapons of war in the day this psalm was written. Typically, the side with the most chariots and horses was the army that won.   

But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Remembering the name is much more than what God is called. Remembering His name is to remember who He is. His power, His ability to save and deliver. His resources that eclipse the chariots and horses that are visible.  

And verse eight gives us the results of trusting in our God. They, the ones who trust in chariots and horses, have bowed down and fallen. But we, those who trust in the Lord, have risen and stand strong.   

But we remember and trust. And we are the ones still standing when the dust settles.   


We are not facing chariots and horses today. But it's still so easy to put our trust in what we see and feel. That is a natural human response.   

But we are the people who trust in a God that we cannot see. But we remember His words to us. And we remember what He has done for us in Christ. And we remember how He has helped us in the past. So, when all is said and done, we are the ones who are still standing. 

We choose to remember we have a God. We choose to put our trust in Him. And we are the ones who stand strong.   


Thank You, Father. You hear us when we pray. Thank You that Your power has not faded away. Thank You that it’s to You we belong. And by Your grace and Spirit, we will stand strong.   

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