Alan's Devotionals



23 Buy the truth, and do not sell it, 

Also wisdom and instruction and understanding. 



Okay, I am not one of those people who sees all kinds of meaning in numbers. But this is Proverbs 23, verse 23, on the 23rd day of April 2023. Just sayin. 

This is not a devotional on stock strategy. Although I wish I had bought and held Apple stock 40 years ago. It would be worth quite a bit today.  

Our proverb today does tell us what to buy and hold on to. The four things listed here will increase in value in the days to come.  

Of course, when we are told to buy the truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding, the scriptures are not talking about a monetary purchase.  

Buying these four valuable qualities is done with the currency of time and effort. These four qualities will not simply fall into our laps. We will have to pursue them and be very intentional about obtaining them for our lives.  

We are blessed because we can obtain wisdom, truth, instruction, and understanding through God's word. Jesus referred to the scripture as truth in John 17:17. And Jesus called the scriptures the wisdom of God in Luke 11:49

Also, we have been given the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. His role is to teach us all things and guide us into all truth. His help is invaluable and should not be underestimated. 

Other sources of instruction and understanding can come from godly people who can speak into our lives. But we typically have to pursue their input.  

In my own life, there have been certain ministries I have followed that spoke into my life. There was little to no personal interaction with these individuals, but God used and still uses their voices to bring wisdom, instruction, and understanding my way.  


We have access to truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding. It may not be in our hands, but it is within our reach.  

Our role is to have a heart for these four valuable qualities and then hold on to what we get. We'll be glad we did today and many years from today.   


Thank You Father for the truth, wisdom, instruction and understanding that I gain from my relationship with You. Thank You for the people You have placed in my life who speak truth and wisdom to me.  

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