Alan's Devotionals



4 The lazy man will not plow because of winter; 
He will beg during harvest and have nothing. 


There is a phrase that has been the subject of TED talks and motivational messages. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

The main premise is that if you want to make gains and/or improvements in any area, you have to move outside of your comfort zone. 

There are different factors that keep us tied into being comfortable, living in that comfort zone. Fear of failure and fear of rejection are two big deterrents to progress. 

And there is another factor that hinders progress and productivity, laziness. This is what our verse for today addresses. 

Plowing in the winter is hard. It is uncomfortable. Especially when we consider there was no machinery in that day. Plowing was either with oxen, if you were well off, or plowing by yourself if you could not afford oxen. 

It is colder in winter. The ground is harder. Winter is a great time to nap. A great time to stay inside and be comfortable. 

But if you don't plow, you are not ready to sow. And if you don't sow, there is no harvest. And if there is no harvest, you will have nothing and be forced to beg from others. Begging from others is way more uncomfortable in my mind. 

But if you plow. If you get out there and put up with some of the discomfort of hard work in harsh weather, you will be prepared to sow and to harvest, and have provision to live on. 


This is a great reminder of the effort required to make a difference. 

Any area of growth, gains, and productivity will require us to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. And this would include spiritual growth. 

Spending time with God in prayer and in His word is not the easiest thing to do. It's easier to be lazy and comfortable. But. But the end result is we are not where we want to be in our spiritual development. 

But we are not lazy. We are people of God, people with a purpose. And we can put up with a bit of discomfort in order to fulfill God's plan for our lives. We are becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. 
