Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 28:6-9 NKJV 

6 Blessed be the Lord, 

Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! 

7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; 

My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; 

Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, 

And with my song I will praise Him. 

8 The Lord is their strength, 

And He is the saving refuge of His anointed. 

9 Save Your people, 

And bless Your inheritance; 

Shepherd them also, 

And bear them up forever. 


David is not just talking or saying nice things about God in order to be polite. David is constantly declaring who God is and God's goodness toward him. 

Listen to the faith in David's declarations. He is blessing the Lord because the Lord has heard his supplication. A supplication is a request for favor. David is not wondering or questioning if God heard his request. 

David then declares that the Lord is his strength and his shield, protection. For someone who fought intense short-range battles, strength and protection were a life-or-death matter. 

This next declaration is interesting. Notice the order of David's words. My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped. This would make perfect sense from God's perspective. The trust comes before the help, not after. This would be similar to walking by faith, not by sight.  

Because of God's help, David offers praise and rejoices. His declaration here is what he will do. He will rejoice and sing praise. 

David then declares that God is the strength and salvation of His people, particularly those He has anointed. 

David declares that God will save, bless, shepherd, and bear or hold up, His people forever.  

The beautiful thing about David's declarations, is that once he gets past any problem he may be encountering, his words about God are extremely good. 


One of the great questions we can ask ourselves is, what am I declaring about God? Who do I declare God to be in my life?  

We are not in any way trying to be gamey with God. However, whatever He is revealed to be in His word, is available to us.  

We can declare, with David, God hears us. That we trust Him and are helped. That God is our strength, our shield, our shepherd and the One who blesses us.  

David's declarations were connected to his heart and his trust in God. Our declarations will be from the very same place. 


Thank You Lord that You have not changed. What You were to David You are to me! 

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