Alan's Devotionals


ACTS 15:23-24 NKJV 

23 They wrote this letter by them: 

The apostles, the elders, and the brethren, 

To the brethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia: 


24 Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, "You must be circumcised and keep the law"—to whom we gave no such commandment— 


Acts Chapter 15 is a very important story of the young church at a crossroads.  

Paul and Barnabus had been back in Antioch for a season, teaching the Gentile converts who had come to faith in Christ. 

When some Jewish believers showed up in town, adding some extra conditions to the gospel, things heated up. These men were teaching that to truly be saved, a person must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses.  

Paul and Barnabas were having none of that. So a delegation was sent to Jerusalem to determine who was right. There was a big dispute until Peter spoke and recounted how God had sent him to the Gentiles. Peter shared on how God gave them salvation and the Holy Spirit and made no distinction between Jews and Gentiles. 

James, another leader, and half-brother of the Lord Jesus backed Peter up and cited scriptures, and thankfully the truth prevailed.  

So our verses today are part of the letter sent to the Gentile churches. A key phrase to note is that they called these Gentile believers brethren. When they called these believers brothers, the Jewish leaders were acknowledging that the Gentiles were family. The family of God that did not make a distinction between Jew or Gentile, slave or free.  

The letter acknowledged that the Gentile believers had been unsettled and troubled by words. And here is an important truth. 

What we hear can help us or hurt us. Words can lift us or lower us. What we hear is vital to our joy and progress in the faith.  

When the letter was read in the churches, the Gentile believers rejoiced. Truth had set them free, and the churches moved on.  


What we hear is so important. Do not listen to things that cause you to be unsettled and troubled. This can be too much news, people who don't even believe in God and teachers who want to add extra conditions to salvation. 

We have enough trouble in the world without adding on. Stay with God's word and God's truth; that's where peace and joy reside.  


Thank You, Father, for the truth of Your word and the Spirit of truth who lives in me. 

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