Alan's Devotionals



PSALM 113:3 NKJ 
3 From the rising of the sun to its going down 
The Lord's name is to be praised. 

As I read the Psalms again, I am struck by how much we are encouraged to praise God.   

It seems we often relegate our praise to the Sunday morning worship time. And there is nothing wrong with that. But we don't want to limit our praise to a few minutes on Sunday and Wednesday.   

The scriptures encourage us to be more regular and intentional in our praise. Like morning until night.  

Now obviously, this does not mean quit your job to praise the Lord. What it does imply is that praise should be a part of our life. And never far from our mouth. 

One of the biggest benefits of a consistent praise is an increased awareness of God. It is extremely easy to get so caught up in our schedules that our consciousness of God can grow dim. 

But when there is praise on our lips, it helps us refocus our attention on the One who is always with us and can help us.   

I am not naive enough to think that we have to praise God during the middle of a meeting or when we are focusing on a challenging task. But there are so many holes in our schedule where simply breathing a word of praise can be a refreshing break.   

I find that in the car to and from work is a wonderful time to praise God. Especially when my day has been "a day." If I will make the effort to offer a sacrifice of praise, it makes my time in the car productive. And it really can add a lift to my soul as opposed to sinking into silence.   

Is this an automatic process? Not at all. It is a learned intentional practice. It is not the easiest thing to do, but it is always a good thing and helps to control our thoughts to keep them from a negative spiral down.   

When should we praise God? Morning, night, and all points in between. 


Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness and Your love for me. You are worthy of my best efforts and best praise.   

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