Alan's Devotionals


ROMANS 11:5-6

ROMANS 11:5-6 NKJ 
5 Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. 


This is one of the big themes of the New Testament. The battle between grace and works.   

The Jewish people living under the Old Testament were always trying to gain acceptance with God by their works. They believed in the keeping of the laws and commandments. And they added many of their own man-made laws. While keeping God's laws and ways are always the best option, it's still not quite good enough.   

Paul, who once lived under strict Jewish laws, had a revelation from the Lord Himself. Paul's revelation was centered on what God has done for mankind. That is the essence of grace. God has accomplished being right in His sight by what was done in Jesus. What Jesus did for us we could not do on our own, so it's by grace we are saved. Our salvation is now resting upon Jesus. We receive Him as Lord and Savior, and we are made new creations. We are now sons of God, part of His family. Accepted in Christ. The riches of God's grace are immense.   

But grace has to be received. It is not earned. So, none of us can boast of what we have done to be right in God's sight. We now humbly thank God for His grace.   

And because we could not work our way to God, we cannot legitimately be proud or boast or feel superior to others. So any kind of haves versus the have nots is not a thing in God's Kingdom and family.   


Is grace versus works still a thing today? Absolutely. Some entire religious groups base their entire salvation on what they can do to earn their way into God‘s Kingdom.   

Many people still believe their good works will get them into heaven. We enter only by the grace of God. But once we have been saved by grace, we can have confidence with God.   

What about works? Works are still very viable. Now we do good works not to earn our salvation but as a result of our salvation. Grace has saved us and changed us, so now we do good works as a function of who we are in Christ.   


Thank You, Father, for Your grace. You sent Jesus to pay a price I could not pay. Thank You for Your grace! 

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