Alan's Devotionals


John 10:3-4 & 14 NKJV 

3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.  

14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. 


Jesus is teaching about being the shepherd of the sheep. As I read this chapter, what stood out to me was the fact that He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. 

When reading our chapters in the Bible 365 program, I am always on the lookout for what verses seem to stand out. These are the verses the Holy Spirit is highlighting. These are the verses speaking to me. So it’s good to stop and read these verses again, think about what they are saying, and begin to write down your thoughts. Using a journal is a great way to clarify your thoughts. And remember, most people will not be reading your journal, so there is no failure risk. Write down what comes to you. Later, as you read your journal entries, you can often detect a pattern, a similarity of thought. This is a great way to determine what the Lord is saying to you. 

What spoke to me was the fact that Jesus calls us His own sheep. And not only do we belong to Him, but He knows us by name. The fact that we belong to Him is an underdeveloped concept. And yet 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:23 clearly say that we were bought at a price. We were once under the authority of the enemy, but Jesus, with His own blood, paid our ransom, and we have been made free. We are free, but we are His. 

However, we are not just a number. He knows us by name. This is a mind-boggling thought. That even with the billions that call Him Lord, He knows us individually. This is obviously a spiritual matter. No one could know that much. But the scriptures say that God calls the stars by name (Psalm 147:4). His understanding and capacity are beyond what we can ask or think, so if He says He knows my name, I fully believe that. That He knows my name makes my relationship with Him more personal. You and I are not faceless entities in the billions. We have a personal relationship with someone who loves us, gave His life for us, and grants us the privilege of being able to know Him. 

In verse 14, Jesus refers to Himself as the good shepherd and one who knows His sheep—again referring to believers as belonging to Him. He knows us and is known by us. This is close. This is personal. This is comforting. 


Occasionally, someone has complained about The Ark as being too big. One of their knocks on us is that I don’t even know their name. Unfortunately, this is true. In many cases, I do not know the names of many of the wonderful people who call The Ark their home church. But. But it is not important that I know everyone’s name. What is most important is that the One who matters most, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, knows their name. He is the one they are to be following. He is the One who loved them and gave His life for them. He is their shepherd, and they are His sheep. 

I do not refer to the people of The Ark as my people. They have never been my people. 

I did not shed my blood for them, but I know the One who did. In 1 Peter 5, Peter refers to the believers as God’s flock and Jesus as the Chief Shepherd. I am simply the undershepherd. Sometimes, I remind the Lord that the people of The Ark are not my people. They belong to Him. But what a comforting thought. We belong to Him, and He knows our names. 


Lord, I acknowledge You as my Chief Shepherd. I belong to You. I follow You, and You know me. I am grateful for that! 
