Alan's Devotionals


1 Thessalonians 2:13 NKJV 

13 For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe. 



Outside of many front doors is a mat that often says 'Welcome.' Very few people have mats at their doors that say 'Go Away.' To welcome means to receive gladly and as friendly people; that's what we want to convey. To most people. 

Here in this verse, Paul is talking about how the believers received, or the New King James Bible says, welcomed God's Word. Because how they received the word preached to them would determine the potency of God's Word in their lives. 

Paul was thanking God regularly for how these Thessalonians received the word that he preached to them. And he was grateful that they did not welcome his preaching as the words of men. These Thessalonians who had once worshiped idols and turned from the idols to serve the living God made the turn based on how they received the proclaimed word. They welcomed Paul's words for what they were in truth, the word of God. 

Not everyone received Paul's preaching in this manner. Wherever Paul traveled and proclaimed the gospel, he had mixed results. Some welcomed his preaching as a word from God, and some thought it was simply a new philosophy. Some considered his words foolishness. And some thought it was blasphemous. And Paul was routinely persecuted for what he proclaimed. 

Thankfully, some people received Paul's words as coming not from men but from God. These were the people who experienced major life change because God's Word worked effectively in those who believed it. By welcoming the words preached as the word of God and believing it, lifelong idol worshippers were made new creations in Christ. And their lives became marked by the faith, hope, and love that is in Christ. How these Thessalonians welcomed God's Word absolutely changed their lives. 


We still see the same thing taking place today. How people treat God's Word makes all the difference in the world. 

Those who see the Bible as an ancient book of wisdom or fairytale-like stories never experience its life-changing power. While those who welcome the Bible as God speaking to them today see it working in their lives, producing change and bringing life, light, and strength. 

God's Word works in those who believe it. Everything starts with salvation, but God's Word can continue to do a mighty work in those who gladly receive and believe it. It can calm minds and heal bodies. God's Word can bring light and vision where only darkness existed before. God's Word can impart wisdom that is timeless and a strength that exceeds natural limitations. The writer of Proverbs said God's Word is life to those who find it and medicine to all their flesh. We could say life to those who welcome it gladly as God's powerful, eternal word, not the word of man. 


Thank You, Lord, for Your word. I welcome Your word as not the weak words of men but as of the powerful life-giving word of the living God. 


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