Alan's Devotionals


John 14:26-27 NKJV   
26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 



These are two powerful verses back-to-back—the promise of help and the promise of peace.   


The apostle John is the one gospel author who goes into greater detail about what happened at the end of Jesus' ministry on earth. Historians believe that the book of John was written 50-60 years after the other three gospels. There were things that God wanted communicated about Jesus and particularly His last important messages.   


John is the author who gives us more of Jesus' words regarding the Holy Spirit. The fourteenth chapter of John is where Jesus talks of the Holy Spirit's role in the lives of believers. The Holy Spirit is called, by Jesus, another helper. In short, Jesus told His disciples that the Father was sending them another helper who would be just like Him. The word "another" is the word that means another of the same kind.   


Then Jesus begins to describe what the Holy Spirit would do. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to our memory what Jesus has said to us. These are powerful truths. The Holy Spirit was sent to teach believers the things of God and bring back God's Word to our memory. Now we can see how the authors of the gospels were able to remember the things Jesus said to them. And we see how revelation knowledge of the scriptures can come to us. We have divine help.   


And we have divine peace. A peace not from having zero turmoil around us but rather a peace from having God's peace in our heart. A peace in our spirit. Considering that we have a new relationship with God because of Jesus, we are no longer at odds with our Heavenly Father. Peace with God leads to peace in our hearts, and that same peace can positively impact our minds and emotions.   


Divine help and divine peace give us an advantage in life.   



These two verses would be good to memorize and meditate on. I am convinced that in my own life and in the lives of many believers, we have underestimated the magnitude of God's gifts to us. The gift of the Holy Spirit is such a wonderful asset to our lives. Just as He came to help the disciples, He has come to live in us and help us. Thanking God for this wonderful gift is a good way to start becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit and His ministry.  


And while we are thanking God for the Holy Spirit, we can also thank God for His peace. We don't have to allow our hearts to be troubled and afraid. Praising God along these lines gives glory to God and makes us more conscious of what marvelous things He has done for us in Christ!  



Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful, priceless gifts! Thank You for the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that He is teaching me and bringing Your word to my memory. And thank You, Father, for the same peace that Jesus walked in. I am so glad my heart does not have to be troubled or afraid.    
