Alan's Devotionals


Psalm 124:1-3, 8 NKJV 

1 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,” 

Let Israel now say— 

2 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, 

When men rose up against us, 

3 Then they would have swallowed us alive, 

When their wrath was kindled against us; 

8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, 

Who made heaven and earth. 



There are many of us who have a list of things that we can say if it had not been for the Lord. If it had not been for the Lord, many would not even be here. If it had not been for the Lord, life would have been a whole lot worse. David starts this psalm with acknowledging that if the Lord had not been on our side, Israel would have been swallowed up. 

And if anyone could testify to the Lord's help, it was David. If it had not been for the Lord being on his side, Saul would have killed him. If it had not been for the Lord being on David's side, his enemies would have overwhelmed him. David dealt with more than his share of adversity, but he maintained the perspective that the Lord was on his side. 

And if the Lord was for him, then the negative circumstances and the anger of men were not going to overcome him. David likens his troubles to a flood that has the potential to overwhelm him and wash him away. That's an appropriate analogy for when trouble comes our way, it can feel like a flood. 

What helped David deal with his many troubles was his confidence in God's power and God's willingness to help. He stated in verse eight that his help was in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth—acknowledging God as the Creator is acknowledging His great power. And acknowledging that his help was in the name of the Lord did not sound hesitant. David had a confidence in God. 

David did not ascribe victory to his great skill or good fortune. He knew if it had not been for the Lord being on his side and Israel's side, the outcome would have been quite different. 


What do we say about the Lord? Do we acknowledge that the Lord is on our side? Paul wrote the church at Rome and asked them the same question. "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31. Reading that entire passage, we see Paul speaking to believers. So we can say the Lord is on my side; He is for me. The key here is declaring the Lord being for you regardless of how you feel. 

There are many of us who can look back and see how God has helped us through the attacks of the enemy and the floods of life. If it had not been for the Lord, who was on our side, the outcome would not have been pretty. But the Creator of heaven and earth is for us, and we're going to make it. He is our help and shield, and we can look to Him and receive help. 


Lord, thank You for helping me in the past. There are things I would not have made it through without You. Thank You for being on my side in the fights of life. 

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