Alan's Devotionals



23 Whoever guards his mouth and tongue 

Keeps his soul from troubles. 


We have all kinds of protection available to us today. Services that protect against identity theft. Monitors that watch our houses and pets in our absence. Alarm systems. Wallets that protect our credit cards. And I will not take the time to venture into the wide array of personal protection devices. 

No doubt we are a security conscious society. But we have ample reason; there are threats to our safety on various levels. 

But do we take seriously this verse in Proverbs? A powerful way to guard our inner life, which includes our minds and emotions, is to guard the words coming out of our mouths. 

Now before you mentally change channels, hear me out. 

Over and over in the scriptures, the bible talks about the power of our words. There is a spiritual truth here that we cannot ignore. Proverbs 18:21 said death and life are in the power of the tongue. If we combine that scripture with our verse for today, we can learn an important truth. 

If we will speak words of life, it will help us. If we speak words of death, it will cause trouble in our lives.  

Words of life include those words that align with God's word. Words that are filled with faith, and love, words that impart grace. 

Words of death would include words that align with what our enemy Satan would whisper to us. Words filled with fear, hopelessness, and despair. 

But if we will guard our words, it will help our mental and emotional strength. In the day when so much is being said about mental health, our words should be one of the first places we look to adjust. 

So it's not just sayin. Our words can protect us or cause us trouble. Thank God we can choose.   


Dear Lord help me put a guard on my mouth. May I learn to consistently speak words that soothe and not trouble my soul. 

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