Alan's Devotionals



5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 
'He shall give His angels charge over you,' 
'In their hands they shall bear you up, 
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'" 
7 Jesus said to him, "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God.'" 


This is a great passage that gives us insight as to how to deal with Satan's temptations. 

When Jesus rebuffed Satan over the stones to bread temptation, the enemy attempted a different strategy. One that did not work. 

In trying to talk Jesus into testing God, Satan encouraged a leap from the top of the temple.   

Testing God may have been his aim, but throwing Himself off the temple could have also been Satan's attempt to induce suicide. It did not work.   

On this temptation, Satan quoted scriptures. Maybe he thought he could box Jesus in and force Him into an error. The scripture he quoted was legit. But the promise of angelic protection was not intended to be utilized as an opportunity for self-promotion. Jesus was not about to be boxed in by scripture and quoted another scripture to Satan ”it is written again.” 

Jesus won every temptation and battle that came His way. What is even more intriguing is how he won. Each time the devil would offer a temptation suggestion, Jesus would counter with “it is written.” 

Jesus did not claim divine privilege when dealing with the enemy's attacks. He knew what was written and what was also written. 


How Jesus defeated the pressure from Satan gives us a model of what we must do also.   

If the spotless, sinless Son of God looked to the scriptures to counter to Satan's thoughts and suggestions, then right there is our pattern. We can rely on scriptures to counter the thoughts that assault our minds. If you are by yourself, it is beneficial to answer out loud. It is written, accompanied by the scripture is a powerful weapon.   

There have been times I have been awakened late at night with negative thoughts shooting at my mind. I usually go to Psalm 23 or 34 and speak them quietly to myself so as not to wake Joy. And then, I repeat the practice until my mind begins to quiet down.   

Don't simply rebuke Satan. Have a scripture or two loaded and ready to go. It is written worked for Jesus. It will work for you. 


Thank You, Father, for your powerful word! And thank You that I can use Your word to counter the temptations and lying suggestions from the enemy.  

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