Proverbs 25:28 NKJV
28 Whoever has no rule over his own spirit
Is like a city broken down, without walls.
In the day these words were written, a walled city was the safest place to be. When a city had broken down walls, the citizens were subject to invaders and enemy attacks. The book of Nehemiah was about God inspiring Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem because the walls were broken down and the people were in great distress and reproach.
In our verse for today, a person with no rule over his own spirit is likened to a city without walls. We usually do not use the words "rule over his own spirit." A better phrase for us would be a person without self-control. A person without self-control is not in a safe place. Without self-control a person is more vulnerable to attacks from the enemy.
Self-control involves the ability to say no to the things we know are not beneficial. Self-control, which is also related to self-discipline, is important in all areas of life. Self-control is needed to do the things we know we need to do. And self-control is related to delayed gratification, which is another sign of maturity. There are no downsides to self-control.
Now for the good news. Self-control is a character trait that we can all grow in. In 2 Peter chapter one, Peter gives us a list of qualities that cause us to be fruitful in our knowledge of the Lord and productive as believers. The qualities start with virtue or moral excellence and include godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. Also on this list is self-control. Peter says if we are lacking in these qualities, it is not because we are deficient. Rather, it is because we have not grasped what has been done in us because of our belief in Christ and have forgotten we were cleansed from our old sins. Paul lists self-control as one of the fruits of the spirit. So, the good news is all of us have the capacity for self-control.
So, if we have the capacity, how can we see more self-control in our lives? Great question and here are some ways to develop this trait. One, believe that you can. In other words, stop lamenting that you have no self-control. You have the potential. You just need to develop it. Two, stop saying that you have no self-control, and instead thank God that you are growing in self-control. Use your words to help, not hinder. Three, practice self-control. Look for ways to say no to your desires or put off gratification. This is where fasting a meal or the internet or something pleasurable is helpful.
Getting stronger in self-control will help many areas of our lives. And by the grace of God, we can keep the walls up!