Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 69:30-32

PSALM 69:30-32 NKJ 
30 I will praise the name of God with a song, 
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving. 
31 This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull, 
Which has horns and hooves. 
32 The humble shall see this and be glad; 
And you who seek God, your hearts shall live. 


Did you ever notice when you read the Psalms how God buries nuggets throughout different passages? 

In our Psalm for today, the main theme is a cry for help. David starts out with, save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck, and I am sinking deep in the mud. We would say today, save me, O God, for I am in the deep weeds. At least that is the sanitized version. Save me O God I am in deep trouble.   

David goes on to talk about his condition with his enemies and the ensuing impact on his soul. Some of these verses are prophetic, and we see them referring to Jesus later on. 

And right at the end of this Psalm of troubles is a nugget. These three verses give insight as to how to make God bigger in our lives.   

I will praise God with a song and magnify Him with thanksgiving. If we want God to be a bigger part of our life, we must make the decision to worship Him, praise Him and give Him thanks.   

These are things we can do every day. These three things do not require a pastor or any other person to oversee. We can initiate praise, worship, and thanksgiving all by ourselves. And if it comes from the heart, we can't ever go wrong.   

True worship is something God desires even more than an act of religious duty. And those who live humbly before Him are blessed to hear God praised and magnified.   


A friend of mine says too often we are waiting on God when He is actually waiting on us.   

He will not make us worship and praise Him. He will not force us to magnify Him. That is why David said I will praise and will magnify Him. The operative words here are, I will.   

In verse 32, David says that those who seek God will enjoy life in their hearts. Again, we are the ones who choose to seek Him. And we are the ones who are rewarded as we do. (Hebrews 11:6

So if we want God to be bigger to us, bigger in our lives, we have a pattern of how that can happen. Seek Him, praise and worship Him with a song and magnify Him with thanksgiving.  


Heavenly Father I will praise and worship only You. I will magnify You with thanksgiving! 

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