Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 29:11

PSALM 29:11 NKJ 
11 The Lord will give strength to His people; 
The Lord will bless His people with peace. 


This is an interesting Psalm. It starts with some very lofty concepts. The voice of the Lord breaking trees apart and shaking the wilderness. Worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness. And how about this? The voice of the Lord causing the deer to give birth and stripping the forest bare. Please do not ask me to explain all of this. All I can gather is that the Lord is very powerful and worthy to be worshipped, worthy to be held in awe.   

However, I can understand verse eleven. This awesome verse seemingly comes out of nowhere, but that's on me. The Lord knows what He is doing. But what a great verse. I may not completely understand how the Lord's voice strips the forest bare, but I can certainly understand Him giving strength and peace.   

Those are two things we can never have enough of. With His strength, we can do whatever He has assigned for us to do. With His strength, we can be better spouses, servants, parents, and friends. With His strength, we can better handle the pressures of this life. With His strength, we can come through things that would have crushed us in the past. With His strength, we can handle things that other people marvel at. Just make sure we give Him the credit. It's His strength, not our awesomeness.   

But wait, there's more! Not only does God give strength, but He will bless us, His people, with peace. And peace is priceless. How many people today are searching for peace in their lives? And we have access to His peace which can be prevalent even in the middle of challenging situations.   

Strength for the walk of faith we are in and peace to enable us to handle things without stressing out. Thank You, Lord! More please! 


Since we have this wonderful promise, let's make sure we access it. Ask the Lord for His strength and His peace for today. Then, thank Him before you feel anything change. During the day, remember to give thanks for His goodness, His strength, and His peace.   


Heavenly Father, I am Your child. Your people. I ask You for strength and peace to not only face the day but win the day. Thank You, I believe You hear me, and I receive.

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