Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 5:11-12 NKJV 

9 Honor the Lord with your possessions, 

And with the firstfruits of all your increase; 

10 So your barns will be filled with plenty, 

And your vats will overflow with new wine. 



There are many things we can celebrate regarding our relationship with the Lord. 

One of the beautiful things about our relationship is we continue to discover more about His goodness. And just when we think we've seen it all, He reveals more insight into His character. 

We can rejoice because we put our trust in Him. What a blessing to know our Father is entirely and totally trustworthy. Just as we appreciate the people in our lives that we can rely on, how much more should we appreciate the One who is the origin of trust? 

We can shout for joy because He, God, defends us. You may not be the shouting demonstrative type, but the people of David's era were very expressive. But isn't it great to know that our God will defend and protect us? So we do not have to spend our time and energy determining how we will defend ourselves. We can rest from being defensive. What great news. Kind of makes you want to shout. 

And we love His name. His name meaning all that God is and represents. We can be joyful in our God because of two more wonderful benefits that are ours as part of His family. 

He blesses us. And God's blessing comes with no downsides. There is no catch. No waiting for the other shoe to drop. God's blessings are not limited to material things. They can include His peace, His strength, His wisdom, and His comfort. 

God's blessings can touch our lives and impact those in our world. His blessings are on the righteous. Those who have been made right with God through Christ. And those who walk in this right standing.  

And one more thing. God surrounds us with favor as a shield. Favor causes people to be drawn toward us. God's favor is a supernatural advantage. 

Two verses that are packed with reasons to rejoice. We are a blessed people 


Lord, thank You for Your love and goodness and blessings in my life. Thank You that I can trust You, and You will protect me. Thank You, Lord, for Your favor working on my behalf. 

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