Alan's Devotionals


Proverb 17:1 NKJV 
17 Better is a dry morsel with quietness, 
Than a house full of feasting with strife. 



I thought this would be a great verse right before we gather for the Thanksgiving food fest. Don't get me wrong. I love Thanksgiving time, and I appreciate the fact that we have more than enough to eat. Some families are hurting during this season. But there is something that is more important than a big spread. 

Joy has a family member who declares that nothing speaks love more than food. I decided to pass on offering my thoughts on that statement or asking what Scripture they were referring to. I realize that in some cultures, providing a good meal is the highest form of honor. This proverb takes a different stance. 

The environment is more important than the food. A plain, simple meal with quietness is preferred over a major feast with strife. I know that a great amount of effort will go into many of the upcoming holiday meals. Planning and preparations start way before the actual event. But how much planning and prep do we put into what we want the environment to be? 

This environment is greater than food, content and quality, is not a one-off proverb. Proverbs 15:17 states that a plate of veggies with love beats a steak dinner where serious hate exists. That's the CCV Clayton Colloquial Version, but the point is the same. It's not the food; it's the environment. 

We all understand this principle to some degree. Grabbing a quick bite with great conversation and engagement is far better than getting dressed up and going on a date to the nicest restaurant in town with no connection and stilted conversation. I am still young enough to remember those days. Even today, after Joy and I have been married for 41-plus years, we have found that it's the connection and the love that matters more than the food. We discovered IHOP on New Year's Eve was not the most romantic place. But we were able to quietly enjoy a nice meal with virtually no one around. And the peace more than made up for the food quality or lack thereof. 

I am sure it's obvious by now that I am not a foodie. I do appreciate good food, but it's the company and the connection that matters most. So before the Holidays begin, start praying about having peace during the family get-together. The peace will make the food taste better. Nothing ruins a good meal like a family fight. 


Lord, may I be an instrument of peace wherever I go this holiday season. Help me to speak gracious words and impact the environment for good. May You be pleased with my witness for You. 

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