Alan's Devotionals


1Peter 3:8-10 nkj 
Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. For 
“He who would love life 
And see good days, 
Let him refrain his tongue from evil, 
And his lips from speaking deceit. 


I am usually a bit wary of buying something online when I read that the vendor does not accept returns. And I have to hand it to Amazon for the way they make returns so easy. Today we are looking at some things that have a no return sticker on them. And they are not products.  


Peter the apostle who in his early days was a speak first think second kind of guy is exhorting the believers on how they are to act. Which shows that everyone can learn, grow and adjust. Peter the guy who had a hard charging personality when he walked with Jesus is now advocating for compassion, love, being tenderhearted and courteous. All of those qualities are congruent with how we are to function in God’s Kingdom.  


And then Peter talks about not returning evil and not returning reviling. This no return zone will require some discipline and practice. The natural response of those who fall into the human category is to return in kind. You hit me I’ll hit you. You do me wrong and I will get even. You say something bad about me and it’s coming back at you. But that is a response of the flesh nature, and everyone does that. But we have been born again and we are representing the Lord Jesus. So, we no longer have the luxury of the return. Instead, we counter with blessings. This is not an easy response but there is a bigger motivation here than simply being a nice person or a good Christian.  


Peter said return blessings knowing. So, there is a knowledge and insight we have that governs our responses. We know something. And what we know is that we are called to this blessing for evil return. Our calling into God’s family and Kingdom dictates we work His way. We function according to what God has called us to and He has called us to live on a higher plane. Others may do evil, but we don’t return evil in kind. Others may say all kinds of terrible things about us, but we don’t respond with negatives, we respond by blessing them. And by doing this we inherit a blessing. Yep, there is the golden reason. We are called to return good and called to return blessings. And in doing so we inherit a blessing.  


Peter then quotes the prophetic words of David that the person who loves life and wants to see good days has an obligation. That obligation is to refrain from speaking evil or anything deceitful. These words drive home the point that we are called to be and do what God declares regardless of the actions of others. And in following the Lord in this area we inherit blessings, life, and good days. I imagine we all can use some prayer and help in walking this out.  



Lord, You did not return the evil or insults that came Your way. Help me to live with no returns and live in your calling and blessings.

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