Alan's Devotionals



PROVERBS 28:13-14 NKJ 
13 He who covers his sins will not prosper, 
But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. 
14 Happy is the man who is always reverent, 
But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. 

Too often, the pursuit of happiness has left such an empty feeling.   

We have thought our next achievement or purchase, or experience would make us happy. And it may for a season. But it's typically a short season.   

These two verses give insight into a deeper level of happiness. It's a contentment in our heart, our inner man, that can produce what nothing external can provide. 

A sense of peace with God is the subject of verse 13. Trying to cover our sins, act as if they never happened, just will not work.   

One thing is that God knows. We will never put one past Him. The other factor is that we know. In our hearts, we are convicted. And when we are convicted, we have that internal struggle that just will not go away.   

So, the answer is easier than we have made it. Confess our sins to God. And forsake them. Stop doing what we know to be wrong. This opens the door to God's mercy. And it brings peace to our souls.   

Coupled with this is verse 14. Happy is the person who is always reverent. This implies a continual reverence for God and His ways. This consistency produces happiness on the inside.    

Contrast this heart attitude with the one who hardens his heart. This is the one who does his own thing regardless of what he knows is right. This is a wrong path that ends up in the wrong place.   


It's all about the heart we bring before God. A humble, submitted heart produces a peace and joy that goes beyond what the world can offer. Lying down at night with your heart at peace with God is priceless. And it's obtainable. God has shown us the path; now, it's our move.   


Thank You, Father, for Your mercy and joy in my life. With You, there is a happiness money cannot buy.   
