Alan's Devotionals



1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 


If you asked one hundred people, "What does a truly spiritual person look like?" I'll bet the answer will cover a wide spectrum.   

Some would say a person who prays a lot or a person who knows scripture. A person who regularly goes to church. A person who serves in church. Someone with an Ark Church sticker on their car. That last characteristic may not apply, but you get my point. Our opinions on what a spiritual person looks like may vary, but our passage today gives us one clear, strong trait.   

A spiritual person handles someone caught in a sin in a very different manner.   

A spiritual person first looks to restore someone who is caught up in sin. They are not looking to expose the one with the problem. Nor are they condemning the one caught up in a sin.   

The word restore means to refit, repair, mend that which is broken. In this case, to set right a person who is in error.   

Not only does a spiritual person look to restore one caught up in sin, they restore with the right spirit. Not condemning or belittling. The right spirit is a spirit of gentleness. Other translations read meekness. A spiritual person will not be harsh when restoring another. Not angry, indignant, or irritated.   

And there is a reason for this gentle spirit. A spiritual person considers themselves so they will not be tempted.   


God has done a work of grace in our lives not because we were so good but because He is so good.  

So, now when we interact with other believers, we are cognizant of God's grace which results in humility and gentleness. If it were not for God's goodness, where would we be? And we need His grace and help constantly in order to live free.   

We want to see people on the right track. So we lovingly steer them back in the right direction. And we also know that it is God's grace that keeps and sustains us. That eliminates pride and any sense of superiority.   

Spiritual people do not spend their time rebuking, correcting, and criticizing. Rather, they restore people to God always aware of God's goodness and restoration in their lives. 

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