Alan's Devotionals


Proverb 1:20-21, 30, 33 NKJV 

20 Wisdom calls aloud outside; 

She raises her voice in the open squares. 

21 She cries out in the chief concourses, 

At the openings of the gates in the city 

She speaks her words: 


30 They would have none of my counsel 

And despised my every rebuke. 


33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, 

And will be secure, without fear of evil.” 



I am using a compilation of these different verses to summarize the theme of this first chapter of the book of Proverbs. And because Proverbs is the book of wisdom, we can apply the principles of this summary to the rest of the book and to any wisdom that comes from God. 

Wisdom is available. Verses 20-21 portray wisdom as a woman. I am sure that there are many reasons that God chose that metaphor for wisdom, and I do not think it is a gender thing. One of the reasons may be the fact that wisdom is available but still must be pursued. Wisdom is calling outside and, in the areas, frequented by the most people. Wisdom is not hiding in the temple or out in the wilderness. Wisdom is calling and available, but wisdom is not knocking at the door or barging through the door. Wisdom must be responded to. Wisdom must be pursued. 

Wisdom has counsel and correction. Wisdom, in this chapter, is lamenting the fact that even though she has a lot to say, people are not having it. And despising my every rebuke brings up the lightly regarding correction. So wisdom, God's wisdom, has good counsel but it has to be received. Wisdom will issue strong correction, but it must be honored, not despised. To despise means to think lightly of. So wisdom will offer counsel and correction but from there it’s up to the hearer to respond. 

Wisdom has benefits. The benefits are for whoever listens. Not for the brilliant or the educated. Wisdom is not limited to those with the right background; wisdom is available to those who choose to listen. And in listening, wisdom provides a safe place and security. The word secure means to be at ease. When wisdom is received, it becomes a safe haven and eliminates the fear of uncertainty and not knowing what to do. God‘s wisdom is also a remedy from the fear of evil. 


This chapter gives us an understanding about how to respond to God's wisdom. 

God's wisdom is available. We can find God's wisdom in His word and by His Holy Spirit. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God, and He gives it liberally and will not criticize us for asking. God's wisdom is available. However, God will not force His wisdom on anyone. God's wisdom tells us that if we confess with our mouths Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. God's most valuable wisdom, the wisdom that provides salvation, has to be received. 

God's wisdom supplies counsel and correction. But once again, it's up to us to receive and esteem the wisdom He provides. God's wisdom will come to us as we read the Bible, pray, listen to messages, and share with other believers. God's wisdom can come as a slight impression, or even a word God highlights to us in a song. There are so many ways God can get His wisdom to us. So, the best thing we can do is open our hearts and receive. 

And God's wisdom has benefits. When we know what to do from the wisdom God gives, it produces peace and rest. Walking in God's wisdom gives us an advantage over fear. Our part is to listen and obey. 


Thank You, Father, for making Your wisdom available to me. I purpose to listen and to esteem it highly. I want Your wisdom for all of my life. 

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