Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 104:33-34

PSALM 104:33-34 NKJV 
33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; 
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 
34 May my meditation be sweet to Him; 
I will be glad in the Lord. 


The date 9/11 is a great time for us to remember those among us who protect us and help us in times of trouble. So we are grateful for our law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and first responders. Thank you! 

In our Psalm for today, the author begins with a recap of God's creative work and power. Verses 1-32 are a wonderful summation of what God has done in creation.  

Then the psalmist declares what he will do as a response to the greatness of God.  

I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. This is a choice. No one, including God, will make us sing, but we can choose this course of action.   

I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. If David is the author of this Psalm, he can testify to the power of a life of praise. David faced many challenges, but his heart never departed from God. He made some big mistakes, but he never abandoned God. He continued to praise God all of his days. And God helped David a lot. David praised a lot and was helped a lot. I am thinking there is a connection here.   

May my meditation be sweet to Him. To me, this is a powerful hidden nugget. The psalmist is declaring his thoughts about God are good thoughts. He could not be thinking negative thoughts and have them be sweet to the Lord.   

I will be glad in the Lord. Sounds as if the psalmist made another decision. I will be glad. It's my choice, so I choose gladness, not sadness.   


We can take these decisions and make them our own. We can sing to the Lord. We can sing praises to the Lord. We can think good thoughts about the Lord and His involvement in our life. We can be glad in the Lord.  

It's such freedom to know we have choices regarding our life with God. No one can make us. No one can stop us. So add some, or better yet, all of these things to your I will do list.   


Thank You, Father, for Your goodness and protection and strength and victory in my life. I will sing praises, and I will be glad in You! 

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