Alan's Devotionals



29 Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever! 


Moses is recounting the history of Israel as they came out of Egypt. He also is reviewing their years in the wilderness.  

In chapter five, Moses reminds the people of the time when God spoke to them. God spoke to them in the mountain, and there was fire, clouds, thick darkness, and a loud voice.  

Evidently, this manifested presence of God was too much for the people to assimilate. God's glory and presence were too much, and the people were scared. They thought that if they heard God's voice speaking to them again from the fire that they would die.   

So the people came to Moses and requested that God no longer speak to them. Rather they wanted Moses to go hear from God and then come back and tell them what God said. The people promised to hear Moses and do what God told him. 

The Lord honored their request and agreed not to speak to the people from the mountain again. And then we hear the heart of God.  

"Oh, that they had such a heart in them . . ." God's desire for His people is that they would have a heart of reverence and respect for Him. And that the people would have a heart to keep God's commandments.  

Why would this be important to God? The next words reveal God’s desire for His people. "That it might be well with them and their children forever." 


God is not needy or insecure. He wants His people to fear Him and keep His word because it yields great results for them.   

Whenever we love someone, we want to see them do well. No good parent wants to see their children hurting and troubled. And as a parent, we recognize when our children are on the right path. And when they are not.  

We want our children to listen to us because of what it will do for them.  

How much more does our Heavenly Father long for His children to have the heart and ways that He can bless. His word outlines wonderful paths for all of our life. As we put His word and ways into practice, we are blessed. It goes well with us.   

I believe the heart cry of God has not changed. He still longs for His people to have a heart of reverence for Him and a heart to keep His word. He still wants it to be well with us.  


Dear Father, teach me to have a heart for You and Your word.

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