Alan's Devotionals



7 "He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, 

And he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. 

8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; 

Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. 

9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; 

Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. 



The acid test gets its name from the historic use of acid to test metals for gold. If acid was applied to a metal and didn't corrode it, the metal was real gold.  

So, here in our verses for today, we have another acid test. In this case, we are not testing for gold but for wisdom. And we are not using acid. We are using correction.   

How someone handles correction and rebuke, or reproof, is the test as to if they are a wise person or not.  

I know, I know. Mention correction in today's culture, and people get antsy. Mention reproof or rebuke, and the knives come out.  

So, we must qualify what Proverbs is talking about. The correction and reproof are of the godly sort. This is so very different from internet trolls, who are often mean-spirited and conniving. 

Godly correction and rebuke is done to help someone, not to put them down. Godly correction and rebuke is done by speaking the truth in love. Does it still sting? Yes. But here is where the difference in response shows up. 

Rebuke and correct a person who scorns godly wisdom, and they will hate you. It will not turn out good for you or the one you correct.   

But if you correct/rebuke a wise person, they will love you, and they will become wiser. Correcting a wise person will not ruin the relationship. After the sting wears off, the relationship is still intact. 

So, if you are the one giving the correction or rebuke, do not do it with anger or ill intent. Do it to help and to benefit the one being corrected.  

If you are the one being corrected or even rebuked, get past your pride and receive the help. You can learn, grow and become even wiser. 

And by the way, the Lord is the One who corrects and rebukes. By His word, His Spirit, and using other people, correction comes our way. We can still love Him and appreciate His counsel. It will make us wiser, and we can pass the acid test. 


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