Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 33:8-9, 18-22

PSALM 33:8-9, 18-22 NKJ 
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord; 
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 
9 For He spoke, and it was done; 
He commanded, and it stood fast. 
18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, 
On those who hope in His mercy, 
19 To deliver their soul from death, 
And to keep them alive in famine. 
20 Our soul waits for the Lord; 
He is our help and our shield. 
21 For our heart shall rejoice in Him, 
Because we have trusted in His holy name. 
22 Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, 
Just as we hope in You. 


This Psalm is big in its scope. That is why I am using different verses for today's devotional.  

I believe one of the spiritual realities that will continue to amaze us is how big and powerful our God is. We should stand in awe of Him.  

I went to school in the mountains of North Carolina, and the vastness and beauty of the mountains is awe-inspiring. The Rocky Mountains are even more visually impressive. But all this beauty did not just happen. God spoke, and it was done. He created the heavens and the earth. That is big. 

And yet His eye, His attention is on those who fear and respect Him. He recognizes those who put their expectation in His mercy and compassion. 

God is jaw-dropping big and powerful, yet He sees the individual who trusts in Him. 

Our soul, our inner man, waits, looks to the Lord our God. Because He is our help and shield. What a thought, the same God who creates galaxies helps and protects those who choose to trust Him. 

Just the fact that God in all His power will pay any attention to us is awe-inspiring. To be that big and powerful and still connect with individual people is beyond our minds to grasp.  

So, we just believe it. And we rejoice in Him. And we declare that He, Almighty God, is our help and protection. And He is merciful to us. Wow! 


It is a good thing for us to remind ourselves of how big God is. To give Him praise that He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. This world is not an accident, and neither are we.  

If God can create the universe, then He can see us. We matter to Him as individuals. Just knowing that causes our spirits to rejoice even if our head is still trying to reason it out. Don't reason; rejoice. Don't wonder; believe. Don't analyze; trust. 


Heavenly Father, I believe and acknowledge You as the Creator of the heavens, and earth, and me. You see me, and I trust You. Thank You for your help, protection, and mercy. 

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