Bible 365 Devotional


Psalm 119:1-6 NKJV 

1 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, 

Who walk in the law of the Lord! 

2 Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, 

Who seek Him with the whole heart! 

3 They also do no iniquity; 

They walk in His ways. 

4 You have commanded us 

To keep Your precepts diligently. 

5 Oh, that my ways were directed 

To keep Your statutes! 

6 Then I would not be ashamed, 

When I look into all Your commandments. 



Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. When approaching this chapter to read it in its entirety, a healthy perspective helps. This psalm will take between 12-15 minutes to read. Your mileage may vary, but it's not a 20-minute read unless you are reading aloud and going slow. Here is where perspective helps. How many websites do we spend more than 15 minutes with? I am the first to admit that some websites, whether they are news, sports, or whatever hobbies interest us, are easier to consume. There have been many times when I was sidetracked by a site and looked up an hour later. My point is that too often, we talk ourselves out of reading God's Word because it requires more concentration from us, and we overemphasize the time it takes.   

This is a long psalm for sure, but the wisdom it contains is invaluable. And that is the overarching belief we must attach to God's Word. God's Word is invaluable to our lives. This psalm starts out telling us how to live a blessed life. It contains wisdom regarding dealing with criticism, handling adversity, and where to focus our thoughts. And in the long run, the insight gained from reading and applying the truths in this psalm is far more valuable than the latest home decor trend on Pinterest or the ESPN analysis of the Texan's latest draft picks. The key word is valuable.   

In our verses for today, the psalmist starts with how to be blessed in this life. The blessed are those who walk according to the principles spelled out in God's Word. The blessed are the ones who seek God sincerely. The blessed are striving to avoid evil and walk in God's ways.   

In verses 5-6, the psalmist expresses a heart to follow God and keep His ways. Then, he will not be ashamed when reading what God's Word says. I can certainly understand that sentiment. When I am on track with the Lord, reading His word is a joy and delight. Sure, there is correction, but that's different from feeling ashamed. Walking in God's ways causes us to have confidence with Him. The apostle John wrote in his first letter that when our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence with God (1 John 3:21). This entire Psalm 119 is about the value of God's Word. Not just knowing about what it says but applying it's wisdom to our lives. God's Word is not just for us to know but for us to do. It is for us to think about and for us to rely on when life becomes unstable. Of all the psalms, Psalm 119 is one of the greatest discourses on how we are to approach God's Word.   



Thank You, Lord, for loving mankind enough to give us Your inspired word to guide, strengthen, and correct our lives.   
