Alan's Devotionals



5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 


John chapter 15 is another one of those chapters that we could spend a great amount of time with. 

Abiding in the vine. Bearing fruit. How to keep our joy full. And that one may surprise you. 

But wait, there's more to this chapter. In Chapter 15, we have the commandment from Jesus. His commandment is to love one another as He has loved. 

There are promises that involve prayer and bearing fruit. Understanding as to why the world does not love those of us who are followers of Christ. And how we are to process that adversarial attitude. 

What an amazing chapter. I am so glad the Holy Spirit inspired John to write his book 60 years after the other three gospels were penned. 

In our verse for today, we see Jesus talking about the connection that will exist with those who believe in Him. 

This is such a powerful truth. He is the Vine, and we are the branches.  

That vine branch connection is much more than a Sunday thing. It is a living connection with the Risen Lord.  

We talk frequently about who we are and what we have in Christ. The vine branch connection provides a great visual.  

In Him, the Vine, we are new creations. In Him, we have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification or set apart for God. And redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). In Him, the Vine, we are more than conquerors. In Him, we are freed from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). And the list goes on.  


The key to this vine-branch connection is abiding in the vine. This abiding is a continual process. Living in His word. Keeping His commandments. Being led by His Spirit. 

This is how we become fruitful and productive as members of the Body of Christ. This is where life becomes more exciting, and our relationship with the Lord becomes more than a religious thing. Talk about being connected. This is it! 


Lord teach me by Your word and Your Spirit how to abide in You. Teach me to be a fruit producing branch in the Vine. 

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