Alan's Devotionals


PSALM 40:4-5 NKJV 

4 Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust, 

And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. 

5 Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works 

Which You have done; 

And Your thoughts toward us 

Cannot be recounted to You in order; 

If I would declare and speak of them, 

They are more than can be numbered. 



David, speaking by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, had such insight regarding God and His nature. In these two small verses, we can see three big reasons to put our trust in God. 

Reason number one. The person who intentionally decides to make the Lord his trust is blessed. And God's blessing constitutes more than just nice words. When God blesses someone, they are elevated often despite their environment. 

Looking in the Old Testament at Joseph, he was sold as a slave and later forced into prison. He lived in a nation that had no knowledge or respect of God. And yet, because of God's blessings, he thrived and wound up running the country. God can bless. 

And we ought to choose to trust God instead of people who are proud and follow lies. Pride shows up in many forms and is a common challenge for all of us. But we don't have to give in to the idea that we created ourselves and that we are self-sufficient. We want to put our trust in the One who created us and created the air we breathe and the sun that shines on our faces. 

Reason number two. We trust God because His works, the things He does, are wonderful. Everything from creation to the work He does in us as His children are outstanding. There is no one who can do what He does, and no one even comes close. And if we will put our trust in Him, He will do wonderful works in us and through us. 

Reason number three. We trust God because He is thinking about us. Now this is big. Our enemy Satan has sold mankind the lie that God is either non-existent or not involved. And if we listen to our feelings and are dominated by our senses, we may arrive at the same conclusion. But we choose to put our trust in the God we cannot see. We choose to trust in the One who thinks about us. And His thoughts are not random. God’s thoughts about us are more than can be numbered. That's a truth we should give some attention to. God thinks about us. And not just the "important people." God thinks about all of us. His abilities and capacities are beyond the scope of our minds to comprehend. But His immense power and presence are two more great reasons to put our trust in Him. 

I know I said three great reasons, and we wound up with five, but hey, we have a God who does exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. We can't just stop at three. 


Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. And You are greatly to be trusted. Thank You for blessing me, working in me, and thinking about me. I put my trust in You! 

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