Bible 365 Devotional



14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 



A well-known time management adage says to not major in the minors. Or, don't spend a major amount of time on minor things that are not that important. In Paul's last words to the Corinthian church, he gives three things that are of major importance. 

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was strong on grace. And the grace, God's power, ability, and favor on our behalf is a major theme of the New Testament. We were saved by grace, not by our works. Grace is what enables us to overcome all the works of the enemy. Paul wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith, and encouraged him to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. For a man who at one time was steeped in a works-based religion, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ was a major theme of Paul's message. 

The love of God. God has power and wisdom. But God is love. It was the love of God that motivated Him to send His Son so that all who believe on Him may have eternal life. The love of God is what is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The apostle John said that walking in this kind of love is how we are able to know God. 

And the other side of that love is the love we have for God. He first loved us, so now we can love Him and love one another. We show our love for God by keeping His commandments and ways. Our love for God gives us confidence with Him. 

The communion of the Holy Spirit. The word communion has been rendered fellowship, a sharing together. Another translation indicates our partnership with the Holy Spirit. He is present in the earth, working in and through us to glorify Jesus and to help us be fruitful and productive as believers. The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity and is every bit God. No wonder Jesus told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they received this power from on high, the Holy Spirit. 


This verse contains three majors that should be a foundational part of our life as a member of God's family. And this verse was the first verse I shared in my opening sermon when we started The Ark in June of 1996. I believe the of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the partnership of the Holy Spirit are foundational to us as a church. 

There are so many different areas and opinions, and viewpoints in the church world today. But these three majors should be at the top of all of our lists. 


Dear Lord, thank You for the grace that is in You. The love of God for me and my love for Him. And the partnership of the Holy Spirit! 
