Alan's Devotionals



2 Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, 
And he sins who hastens with his feet. 
3 The foolishness of a man twists his way, 
And his heart frets against the Lord. 


Solomon, who wrote most of the book of Proverbs, was not all rainbows and kittens. At times he would deliver some very straightforward instructions. And those instructions would come with no buffer.   

Here are three straight-up instructions. 

It's not good to be without knowledge. The book of Proverbs was written because we need the wisdom. And in the Proverbs, we discover that wisdom and knowledge are available. In fact, wisdom is calling out to us. But wisdom and knowledge still must be pursued. If we only search when we are in trouble, we are establishing a bad pattern. But if we are hungry for God's wisdom and knowledge we will be filled. 

It's not good to be without knowledge because it's available.   

He sins who hastens with his feet. Another thing not to do. Moving too quickly can be a sure recipe for problems. I have sinned by acting too quickly and speaking too quickly. Learning to slow down is good. We used to say if it's God today, His idea and plan, it will be God tomorrow.   

The last thing on the list I have seen way too often. People who do foolish things and get themselves all messed up. And then they get upset with God about the trouble they are in.   

I was praying with a man who had lost his job. But upon further review, this man had been late to work for two weeks straight. That would be considered foolishness twisting his way. There was no sense getting upset at God; that was on him.   

When things get twisted, we need to ask God for His mercy and take responsibility for the mess. He is good and can help us. But not if we are blaming Him.  

Go after wisdom and knowledge. Slow down until you know what to do. And don't blame God for any problem you are involved in.   


Dear Lord, forgive me if I have blamed You for my stuff. Show me what I need to do. This time I am waiting on You. 

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