Alan's Devotionals



5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, 


Paul is writing this letter to a young pastor named Timothy. Paul called Timothy a true son in the faith, so theirs is a close relationship. 

First, Timothy is filled with encouragement, correction, and instruction. In our verse for today, Paul lists three important qualities that applied to Timothy then and to us today.   

Love from a pure heart. This is not the love we think of as romantic. Nor is this the fondness often expressed as love. I love chocolate, Hot tamales, and steak. 

This love is an unconditional love for God and for our family in Christ. It can be but is not always accompanied by feelings. This is the love that causes us to obey God and treat others better than they deserve. 

A good conscience. Without going into an in-depth teaching, our conscience is the voice of our spirit that convicts us when we miss it. And confirms us when we are on the right path. Paul talked about living with a clear conscience before God and men. (Acts 24:16) When Jesus was confronted concerning the woman taken in adultery, the scriptures say that the men were convicted by their own conscience and dropped their accusations and their rocks. 

A sincere faith. The footnote in my Bible calls this unhypocritical faith. This would mean a genuine faith congruent in words and actions. God is the true God, and He does not appreciate fake, false, or phony. Remember, one of Jesus' themes was the falseness of the religious leaders of His day. Truth and fake do not mix well together. 

Three important spiritual qualities that have a valid place in our lives.   


Walking in love was Jesus' commandment to His disciples at the last supper. It is still in effect today. 

A good conscience is a safe guide and very instrumental in developing our confidence with God and reducing our fear of man. 

Sincere faith is how we are to live during our time here on earth. And faith is one of the key ways we are to please God.   

Three important and attainable things. These three are not an end goal but a continual process in our life with the Lord. 

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