Alan's Devotionals


JOHN 14:26-27 NKJV 

26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 


John records much of Jesus said to His disciples before He went to the cross. What He shares in John chapters 13-17 are amazing words from the Lord 

Divine help and divine peace. Two major blessings from the Lord to us.  

Divine help. Or a better way to express this is the divine Helper. The Holy Spirit is God's gift to us. He has come with an assignment. His role is to teach us, guide us into all truth, and show us things to come.   

Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Comforter. The Greek translates this as one called alongside to help. Jesus even went as far as to tell the disciples that it was better for them if He left and the Holy Spirit came. He said the Holy Spirit in their lives would be even more advantageous than having Him present.  

And not only do we have divine help, we have peace. Jesus said it was His peace. A peace different from what the world offers. When the world offers peace, it comes when everything on the outside is calm. But when Jesus offers peace, He is referring to a higher-level peace. His peace can be present in our hearts even if everything on the outside is chaotic. Spiritual things are more powerful and consistent. He offers us peace on a spiritual level.  


We could benefit from spending some time with these two verses. Reading these verses, meditating on them, speaking them. Allowing the impact of these two major blessings to register in our hearts and minds.  

We have more help than we have realized. The Holy Spirit is highly capable of showing us the wisdom of God in all the situations we face in life.   

The peace that Jesus had has been given to us. We do not have to allow our hearts to be troubled. We do not have to be afraid.  


Thank you, Father, for the help of the Holy Spirit and the peace that Jesus gives. Help me walk in that help and peace.   

All the best,


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