Alan's Devotionals


MARK 5:35:36 NKJ

MARK 5:35:36 NKJ 
35 While He was still speaking, some came from the ruler of the synagogue's house who said, "Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?" 
36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, "Do not be afraid; only believe." 


This passage is from Jesus' encounter with one of the rulers of the synagogue. The man was named Jairus, and he was facing a major problem. His little girl was sick. So sick that scriptures say she was at the point of death. Jairus came to Jesus with an urgent request. Even though he was a leader of the Jewish community, he fell at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come heal his little girl. Even though Jairus was begging, there was a real sense of faith about his request. He believed that if Jesus would lay His hand on his daughter, she would be healed. Jairus had obviously heard of the miracles being done by Jesus, and faith comes by hearing. 

So Jesus went with Jairus. They were delayed by the crowds and by a woman who came through the crowd, touched Jesus, and was healed of a twelve-year condition. Jesus stopped and spoke with the woman. While He was speaking, the tragic news came to Jairus that his daughter had died. 

I can only imagine the range of emotions that went through Jairus. Shock. Numbness. Fear. But as soon as He heard this horrible news Jesus had something to say to Jairus. Do not be afraid; only believe. 

At first blush, this directive sounds impossible. But Jesus knows things we do not know. His knowledge of spiritual truths is unparalleled. Jesus knew that choosing to believe was something Jairus could do. It would have been completely unfair to ask Jairus to do what he was incapable of accomplishing. And Jairus obeyed what Jesus said. He did not run screaming home; he stayed with Jesus. And Jesus raised the little girl from the dead.   


I would like to think I would have done the same as Jairus if I was walking with Jesus. But that's speculation. What is important is that I choose to believe Jesus today. I choose to believe what His word says and what He speaks to my heart by the Holy Spirit. That I choose to believe instead of giving into fear. Our biggest takeaway from this story is that we have a choice in the face of fear. For way too long we have bought into the lie that fear was our only choice. But Jesus' words still apply today. Do not be afraid; only believe.

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