Alan's Devotionals



The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, 

But he who heeds counsel is wise. 


Great song that contains a similar message to our verse for today. 

The Book of Proverbs has never made any claims to being sensitive or woke. The words in this book can often appear blunt. But the purpose of Proverbs is not to make people feel good. The purpose is to impart wisdom. In verse one of Proverbs 12 it says that the one who hates correction is stupid. I wondered if that translation was harsh, but in other translations, it also reads stupid. 

But we have to go back to the beginning of Proverbs, where the purpose of the book is clearly spelled out in verses 1-7. To know wisdom, receive instruction, and give prudence. So, look at the Proverbs as a very good friend who wants to help you, so they tell you the unvarnished truth.   

In our verse for today, this Proverb warns about being wise in your own eyes. This is the person who believes his way is the right way regardless of what anyone else says.  

I have been there and done that, and still have the scars to prove it. When we adopt this right in our own eyes position, we set ourselves up for trouble.  

But this same verse gives us the answer. The wise person listens to counsel. Counsel can come from other people, the scriptures, the Holy Spirit. The key word here is someone who will listen to counsel. A willingness to listen to counsel is the mark of a wise person. 

When we left Texas to start a church in my hometown over 30 years ago, I was unwilling to listen to counsel. I did not listen to Joy's warnings, and I would not talk with anyone at Lakewood about my plans. I was right in my own eyes. I was also a fool for not listening, and my family paid the price.  

So fast forward about eight years later. My plan was to start another church. But this time, I went to my Pastor to get his counsel before making the move. Just being willing to listen put me in a much better place.   

When it comes to the leading of the Lord, His wisdom should witness to other people. Preferably other people who have a life with the Lord. This is where the Kingdom of God does not dismiss older people. People who have followed the Lord and have godly fruit in their lives are a very valuable resource to the Kingdom. 

Be open to wise, godly counsel. Making corrections on the front end can save endless amounts of pain. And all it will cost you is a bit of pride.  

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