Alan's Devotionals


ACTS 15:24 & 32

ACTS 15:24 & 32 NKJ 
24 Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, "You must be circumcised and keep the law"—to whom we gave no such commandment—  
32 Now Judas and Silas, themselves being prophets also, exhorted and strengthened the brethren with many words. 


The power of words is such an underestimated fact. I don't want to use the word principle because words are more concrete and not an abstract concept.   

In this chapter, we find the early church in a dispute over the Gentiles who are coming to faith in Christ. Men were teaching these new believers that they would have to be circumcised and keep the law in order to be saved.   

When the apostles and church leaders got together to settle this matter, this erroneous position was discredited. Peter's testimony, the scriptures pointed out by James, and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit prevailed, and even today we are glad.   

As the church wrote to the Gentile believers, they acknowledged that words had troubled them. And words unsettled their souls. Wrong words were the problem. These Gentiles had rejoiced in God's love and grace, but someone had come with a different message that created confusion and hurt the faith of these new believers.   

The letter from the leaders in Jerusalem helped the Gentile believers. Once again, we see that right words brought relief.   

Then Judas and Silas encouraged and strengthened the believers with many words.   

Words can trouble and unsettle. Words can encourage and strengthen. Words are powerful.   


Once again, we see great value in having a knowledge of scriptural truth. When we know what God's word says regarding a topic, we are able to sift out lies and words that could trouble and unsettle us.   

And when we recognize the power of our words, we can use them to be a force for good. We can use our words to encourage and strengthen instead of troubling and destabilizing.   

God's words are the most powerful but do not underestimate the power of your words.   


Heavenly Father, help me use my words to be a force for good. May I never trouble or cause emotional distress by what I say.

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