Alan's Devotionals


MARK 9:23

MARK 9:23 NKJ 
23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." 

I noticed a pair of basketball shoes that an NBA superstar was wearing a few years ago. They had I can do all things . . . written on them. And even though these words were taken from a Bible verse Philippians 4:13, there was no reference to the verse. So, at first blush, I can do all things is incomplete.   

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The condition is through Christ's strength, we can do all things. Not to nitpick anyone who wants to put a Bible verse on his shoes. It's probably a good way to witness. But my point is that it implies self-sufficiency, not God dependence. There is a condition to I can do all things. In our verse for today, there is also a condition. A man asks Jesus if He can do anything for his demon tormented son. And Jesus offers an answer. "If you can believe all things are possible to him who believes." Jesus did not say all things are possible. There was a condition to all things being possible, believing. Jesus told this desperate father that what he, the father, believed was important concerning the young boy's deliverance. The father responded in a very genuine and heartfelt way. "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief." I have a great appreciation for this father who was willing to take on the responsibility of believing for his son. This father did not complain or ask Jesus for an exception. And he was honest enough to admit he needed some help. After all, he had been seeing his young son suffer for years. The good ending to the story is that the boy was completely delivered.   


What is it about conditions we don't like? Often, it's the simple fact that we would rather not be responsible or accountable. It's a human nature thing that started in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve blamed everyone but themselves for their error. 

All things are possible to him, or her who believes. That's a conditional promise for certain. But we have the capacity to believe. We must not go through life thinking that doubt is our destiny. It may have been in our past, but it's a fixable situation. We can believe God, and that opens the door to possibilities.   


Father, I do believe You. I believe Your word. I believe Your Holy Spirit. I believe all things are possible that You have ordained my life. What You have for me is good, and it's possible. I believe!

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